Monday, March 30, 2009

The Television Media

The most ludicrous, sickening, shrieking, paranoid, judgmental, shallow, contentious, ridiculous expression of the American culture. Hands down. At least reality television trash doesn't try to sell itself as being anything other than outrageous and idiotic. Television "news" media acts like it serves some higher calling to the American public. Ha! I despise it.

1 comment:

Michael Northrop said...

****Official Stop on Launch Day Madness Comment-O-Rama*****
That's a tough call: There are a lot of ludicrous, sickening, shrieking, paranoid, judgmental, shallow, contentious, ridiculous expressions of the American culture... Pretty solid choice, though. I wonder how many of them are self-righteous enough to actually believe what they're spouting and how many think that it's their job to act that way and quietly loath themselves when the red light blinks off.